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It depends. No matter what, you subtract the two quantities. If the absolute value of the positive integer is greater than the absolute value of the negative integer, your answer is positive. If the absolute value of the negative integer is greater than the absolute value of the positive integer, your answer is negative.

For example:

-32+11 is -21, because the absolute value of -32 is greater than the absolute value of 11, and 32 is negative.

-11+32 is 21, because the absolute value of 32 is greater than the absolute value of 11, and 32 is positive.

If this is all confusing, I like to remember a song my seventh grade math teacher taught the class to the tune of "row row row your boat:

"same sign add and keep

different sign subtract

keep the sign of the larger number

then you'll be exact!"

(the word "sign" refers to negative or positive)

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