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No because the 4 interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to 360 degrees

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Q: Is it possible for each angle on a quadrilateral to measure more than 100 degree?
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A quadrilateral has two 90 degree angles and a 91 degree angle What is the measure in degrees of the fourth angle of the quadrilateral?

4 sides requires Total interior angles of 360 degrees 360-90-90-91= 89

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80 degree

What is the measure of each central angle of a quadrilateral?

That depends on the quadrilateral. They will not all have the same measure. Even rectangles will not all have the same central angle measures.

Is there a quadrilateral that have two 90 degree angle and one 65 degree angle?

Yes. The fourth angle is 115 degrees.

What is the measure of a regular quadrilateral?

A regular quadrilateral is a square. As to the measure, the answer depends on the measure of WHAT? An angle, a side, the diagonal, area, perimeter, etc.

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There is no specific limitation on any one angle of an inscribed quadrilateral.

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If three angles of a quadrilateral are congruent and the average of the measures of two angles of the quadrilateral is 80 which number could NOT be the measure of an angle of the quadrilateral?

There are only 4 possible numbers which could be measures of the angles for the quadrilateral. Each of the infinitely many other measures, such as 36.57 degrees, could NOT be the measure.

Which quadrilateral could not have a 30 degree angle?

A square and a rectangle