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Q: Is it possible for someone to marry you without you knowing it?
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Is it true that you will most likely marry someone who looks like someone in your family?

no you will not marry someone that looks like your family because it could be you own relative and with out you even knowing .

Is there any way possible to marry at 17 without your parents' permission if the guy is 19?

There is no state in the U.S. that will allow someone under the age of 18 to marry without parental consent/court approval/special circumstances.

Can you divorce your husband in nyc without him knowing?

No, for the same reason you cannot marry him without him knowing. If it is a matter of abuse you should go to the police for legal protection.

Is it possible to have a crush on someone and then marry that person later in life?

Yes, it's possible.

Can you marry someone without the consent of their parents?


Is my marriage legal because my husband used fake i.d. without me knowing?

If your husband marry you using somebody else's name... then you probably didnt marry the person who you thought he was. The reason why its because that's not his name. Using someone else's id its illegal.

Im 22 can you marry your 17 year old girlfriend?

Without knowing your exact state: No, not without written consent of her parents.

Can a man marry again without the original wife knowing it?

NO,his wife has to know if he want to get married again

Is it possible to marry someone you met on the Internet?

Is it possible to marry someone you metOf course. That's how my Chemistry teacher met his wife. This phenomenon is increasing on a daily basis. ____________Yes it totally is, that's how I met my husband

Is it possible to marry at 15 in England if your parents gardians agree?

No, the legal age to marry in England is 16. Parental or guardian consent cannot permit someone under 16 to get married in England.

What he means when he wants to marry someone like you?

It's possible he means someone like you, but with slightly better skills at phrasing a sentence.

Can you be married in customary rights and still marry someone else without getting divorced from my first wife?

If you live in a Western country such as the United States or Canada, no, you cannot marry someone else without getting a divorce and it bigamy is breaking the law.