Yes, it is quite possible. It does require both parents to have AO(+-) genotypes, which is somewhat rare, however.
yes because it might be in your generations genes\traits before.I'm curly haired but none of my parents have curly hair : )
The great-grand child to parents who immigrated from Japan,
its likely but might not the chances of the shild not having a widows peak are 1/16 you can better know these odds if you know the parents genotype or genetic makeup.
I believe the chances of having the same birthday as one of your parents is: 1 out of 183 and the chances of having the same birthday as both parents is: 1 out of 133,225
The child will have the disorder, only if the recessive allele from both the parents is transferred to the child. Therefore, the probability is 1/4.
it is possible that a wasp can resemble its parents because of genetics. if a child can resemble its parents, it will be possible that a wasp can resemble its parents. it might not be physical but possible it its genetic coding.
O- would be the only possible blood type for the child.
People are born gay so if the child is gay the parents had nothing to do with it.
It depends. But it is likely - if the parents petition on behalf of the adult-child.
it is possible but the child can be a positive
If both parents have genotype AO, it is possible to have a type O child, but this is very rare.
No - this is not possible. The child must have one parent with an A allele in order to have type A blood. Neither of these parents have an A allele - so this is not possible.
Same as adult parents. Child comes first, give child best life possible, common sense!
No. Two rhesus-negative parents cannot have a rhesus-positive child.
It is possible for two brown-eyed parents to have a blue-eyed child if both parents carry a recessive gene for blue eyes. When these recessive genes are passed on to the child, they can combine to produce the trait of blue eyes, even if the parents themselves have brown eyes.