velocity is a vector that has both speed and direction. So if you are going 30 mph in one direction that may be positive, but if you are going in reverse that may be negative.
It cannot have negative velocity, it can have negative acceleration.
An absolute value can never be a negative. An absolute value is just the distance the # is from the again for it to be negative thats not possible
Positive X or Negative X
Velocity is a vector, which means it has a direction, but speed isn't. Speed is the absolute value of velocity. Velocity can be negative, meaning that the speed is opposite to the direction that you're calling the positive direction.
No, Speed is always greater than or equal to zero. However, velocity can be negative, which just means you have a positive speed in the opposite direction! (scalar(number) versus vector).
Velocity can have positive or negative value depending on the direction of the change in position. Positive velocity indicates motion in one direction, while negative velocity indicates motion in the opposite direction.
Negative velocity is achieved by moving in the opposite direction of the positive direction. For example, if a car is moving eastwards with a velocity of 50 km/h, to achieve negative velocity, it would need to be moving westwards with a velocity of -50 km/h.
It's not. Unless you add a direction to speed it will not become velocity. Since positive and negative are sometimes used to denote direction, absolute value of velocity may equal speed (certain situations)
Snowboarding demonstrates speed, velocity, and acceleration. It can also demonstrate a positive or negative value for velocity and acceleration.
Velocity is a vector and its magnitude depends on the direction. If it is positive in one direction, going in the opposite direction it is negative. But speed is a scalar and does not depend on the direction. It has the same value, whatever the direction. That is how the absolute value of velocity is speed.
It cannot have negative velocity, it can have negative acceleration.
The velocity and acceleration can have the same numeric value, but the units will be different. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No it is not possible. Because so long there is acceleration then the velocity has to change either in magnitude or in direction or in both. So it is not at all possible for acceleration and velocity to be the same simultaneously.
An absolute value can never be a negative. An absolute value is just the distance the # is from the again for it to be negative thats not possible
To find the displacement from a negative velocity-time graph, you need to calculate the area under the curve for the portion representing displacement. If the velocity is negative, the displacement will be in the opposite direction. The magnitude of the displacement is equal to the absolute value of the area under the curve.
Speed is (distance covered in some time) / (time to cover the distance).Neither the distance covered in the time, nor the time duration, can be negative.If you'll say "Well what about moving backwards ?", then you have introduced the directionof motion into the discussion, and now you're talking about velocity, not speed. Velocity caneasily be negative, but speed can't.
Acceleration has a positive value if the velocity is increasing speed. Positive acceleration means the object is speeding up.