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Q: Is it possible that a slide numbers help a presenter organize a talk?
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What is a slide rule?

Now you are making me feel old! The slide rule was an analog computing device that was used extensively prior to the creation of the digital calculator. When I started engineering school, I had to have one. There is a central 'slide' that moves in between the two edges. By matching up numbers using the slide and the marker bar that slides across all of them, you could multiply and divide numbers. It could also provide logarithms and geometric functions. They were not real accurate, but sure beat trying to figure it out by hand! Using a slide rule only gave a number without saying where the decimal point was and you had to work out the approximate value yourself. Say the slide rule answer was 784 and your rough calculation resulted in 10, the answer would be 7.84. This had a benefit of your being able to reject a silly answer that a calculator might give due to your hitting the wrong key. The device was also known colloquially known as a "slip stick".The primary use of the slide rule was multiplication and division. They are particularly good where a series of numbers need to be converted, for example converting a column of numbers of weights in pounds to their relative weights in kilograms. They were also used for trigonometric functions, finding square roots and cube roots, work with logarithms. Forty years after learning to use one, I found out it is possible to add and subtract on them, but believe me, it is easier to do addition and subtraction on paper.

What is the answer to 6.15 divided by 100?


What was the purpose of slide rule?

Well.. the purpose of the slide rule is that, to count, add, subtract, multiply, and divide. For as its structure is like a ruler and has a transparent slider. It is the type of a cursor, used for pointing out the numerals/ numbers. It is the third calculator invented, after Napier's bones. It was invented by Napier, as well.

Can a cube be slide?

A cube can be a slide by: a. If the net is opened and shaped as a slide. Peter

Does water slide or roll?


Related questions

Where do you put information in power point that you don't want to show on your slide?

Powerpoint allows you to include presenter's notes that are displayed in the presenter view and in the outline of the slide show but are not displayed on the slides themselves.

What helps a presenter to remember what to say when a particular slide appears during the presentation?


How do you view one slide in the presentation?

Switch to normal view, where you can work on one slide at a time or organize the structure of all the slides in your presentation.

How do slide presentations help keep the presenter on message?

It's D -Since slides are sequential, they enable the presenter to always present the intended information.

When you print a presentation with the Outline view selected in PowerPoint what is printed?

slide numbers, slide icons, and slide text only

What ends all slide shows unless the option setting is deselected?

The end of a presentation or slide show is determined by reaching the last slide in the sequence, unless the presenter manually exits or interrupts the presentation. If automatic looping is disabled, the slideshow will not restart after the last slide is shown.

Can you slide a hat?

yes it is possible

How do you present easy nomad travel presentation on two monitors?

Access the slide show settings and enable presenter view

Does the title slide introduces the presentation to the audience?

Yes, the title slide typically includes important information such as the presentation title, presenter's name, affiliation, and date. It serves as an introduction and sets the tone for the rest of the presentation.

How do you find the GCD of two numbers?

use slide

Is true about bullet points in computer-based slide shows The bullet points do not have to be complete sentences. The bullet points should include everything that the presenter is planning to say.?

Yes, in computer-based slide shows, bullet points do not have to be complete sentences. They should be concise phrases or keywords that highlight key points for the presenter to expand upon. Bullet points should not necessarily include everything the presenter is planning to say but instead serve as a guide for the presentation.

What is a rolling presentation?

A rolling presentation is a slide show that once started does not need the slides changed manually they change on a timer to fit what the presenter is saying.