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Yes. Although possible in real life, it is unlikely in school examples!

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Q: Is it possible that there will be no feasible solutions in linear programming?
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Is it possible for a linear programming problem to have no solution?

Yes. There need not be a feasible region.

Can a linear programming problem have multiple solutions?

Yes. If the feasible region has a [constraint] line that is parallel to the objective function.

What has the author Shinji Mizuno written?

Shinji Mizuno has written: 'Determination of optimal vertices from feasible solutions in unimodular linear programming' -- subject(s): Accessible book

Distinguish between integer programming problem and linear programming problem?

Integer programming is a subset of linear programming where the feasible region is reduced to only the integer values that lie within it.

What is the feasible region of a linear programming problem?

After graphing the equations for the linear programming problem, the graph will have some intersecting lines forming some polygon. This polygon (triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, quadrilateral, etc) is the feasible region.

Non-degenerate basic feasible solution?

A non-degenerate basic feasible solution in linear programming is one where at least one of the basic variables is strictly positive. In contrast to degenerate solutions where basic variables might be zero, non-degenerate solutions can help optimize algorithms as they ensure progress in the search for the optimal solution.

What is optimal feasible solution?

It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.

What has the author Toshinori Munakata written?

Toshinori Munakata has written: 'Matrices and linear programming with applications' -- subject(s): Linear programming, Matrices 'Solutions manual for Matrices and linear programming'

What is degeneracy in linear programing problem?

the phenomenon of obtaining a degenerate basic feasible solution in a linear programming problem known as degeneracy.

What is optimal solution?

It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.

What is infeasibility in linear programming?

In linear programming, infeasibility refers to a situation where no feasible solution exists for a given set of constraints and objective function. This can occur when the constraints are contradictory or when the feasible region is empty. Infeasibility can be detected by solving the linear programming problem and finding that no solution satisfies all the constraints simultaneously. In such cases, the linear programming problem is said to be infeasible.

Can a linear programming problem have two optimal solutions?

No. However, a special subset of such problems: integer programming, can have two optimal solutions.