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It depend on the kind of engineering course/program you will be taking. Some seek Math and mostly Sciences like Mechanical engineering whiles others require less but at the way round all engineers are required to articulate what they calculate on papers into writing. So I suggest you start doing some writing because it might help you down the road in your career.

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Q: Is it possible to become an engineer if you are good at math but not good at writing papers?
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Are you bad at engineering if you are not good at writing papers?

Engineering is generally a problem solving profession with math skills. To become a professional engineer, though, the advancement in the field may require writing skills.

Is it true that if you are not good at writing essays you cannot be an engineer?

Not necessarily, good writing skills are a bonus for being promoted to management and getting bonuses, however, it's not a requirement because for one thing, engineers are not good at writing papers and secondly, they only know numbers and don't know how to explain it in a way that the client understands.

Will engineering be difficult to get into if you are great at math but bad at writing essays and other papers?

It will be difficult to make a successful career if you cannot write papers to explain yourself.

Is engineering for people who are good at math bad at writing and programming?

Sometimes, it isn't quite about what you are good or bad at to decide what to do or be. Even if you are good at math, it might not mean you like doing ALL math related things. Being bad at writing and programming also does not mean you will not like something that has either writing or programming. Although it is true you will tend to enjoy what you are good at since it will be easier for you to complete tasks about it, the choice is still yours. If it is for studies, you could consider on the prospects in the future. The job availability of what you study and how easy it is for you to find jobs after graduation should be something under consideration as well. You do not necessarily have to be good at writing to be a good engineer. Eventually, however, as an engineer, you will very likely be expected to explain your engineering to someone who doesn't understand the field, and being bad at writing will make such explanations a challenge. The best way to improve your writing skills is to A) take more writing courses than are required for graduation, and B) write as much as possible - essays, papers, articles, etc. Never resign yourself to being a bad writer. If you think or know you are, do what is necessary to remedy the situation.

How could one be good at math but bad at writing papers or essays?

One can be gud in Math bcuz their minds can calculate stuff v fast.Writing papers z a totally diff thing.math z related 2 "NUMBERS" & writing essays r related 2 "LETTERS".

Related questions

Are you bad at engineering if you are not good at writing papers?

Engineering is generally a problem solving profession with math skills. To become a professional engineer, though, the advancement in the field may require writing skills.

Is it possible for you to work as a professional engineer if you are good at math but not writing papers?

many others view and consider your arguments and you must write clearly and succintly not only for others but to organize your thoughts

Can you still be an engineer if you are not good at writing papers?

Good is a relative term. Any job requires relatively good writing. If you feel you need improvement, just practice.

Is it true that if you are an expert at math but terrible at writing essays and papers you will never work as a scientist or an engineer?

No. You can take a course in composition, or get tutoring.

Can you still be an engineer if you are bad at writing papers?

You'll certainly have to write things, sooner or later. On the other hand, you can still learn to do it.

Why do people become engineers?

I became an engineer because I was good at sums, hating writing, and did not like the idea of spending my whole working life trapped indoors, shuffling papers, and shuffling from office to office with a piece of paper in my hands.

Do you have to be a good at writing papers to be an engineer?

Although most competitive exams have been made objective and do not require writing papers, any engineer will be more effective, and more valuable as an employee or consultant, if he or she is able to write reasonably well. Engineers need to communicate. This is often done in writing. The better you are at writing, the better you can perform your engineering functions. If you are not now able to write reasonably well, you can take courses that will help you learn to write better.

Is it true that if you are not good at writing papers you cannot be an engineer?

No. It's a dastardly lie. Who told you that ? Either he didn't know what he was talking about, or else he was deliberately trying to mislead you.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at essay writing and writing papers you will fail science and engineering and never be able to work as an engineer or a scientist?

Being able to present your findings is important, but understanding the material is more important. The trick to essay writing is to be as concise as possible while still giving a deep enough answer for the full award. While I would say that essay writing skills are important, it should not be the end of your carreer.

How is it possible to make money by writing?

It is possible to make money writing by publishing books or papers. Internet users can also write original content for their own websites and blogs, or write for websites and blogs owned by others.

Location of shipping papers transported by rail?

with the conductor or engineer.

Is engineering for people who are good at math but bad at writing essays or papers?

Being pretty good at math is almost always a prerequisite skill for becoming an engineer, but it is hardly the only one. Beyond being good at math, engineers have to have strong problem solving skills. Eventually most engineers also find themselves promoted to management positions where people skills, budgeting, and organization become critical. As far as writing skills are concerned - sorry to tell you but good engineers also have to be very good at technical writing. While it may seem like essays and papers are not the same as technical writing, most of the skills of persuasion and analysis that are critical to writing essays and other papers are also necessary elements of technical writing. Most engineers spend a large fraction of their time writing reports - to document their work, to explain it to upper management, convince others of the accuracy of their work, convince others of a course of action based on the work they have done, and to justify expenditures or justify investments in facilities, repairs, new acquisitions, new construction, etc. My experience as an engineer is that I spent about a third of my time doing "engineering" a third of my time writing reports, and a third of my time attending meetings - including presenting the content of my written reports. Bottom line - you need to have BOTH good math AND writing skills to become a good engineer.