4 weeks and 5 days from scan, the first two weeks you are pregnant if the weeks which you are ovulating, technically you are not pregnant then but you still have a egg
Normal pregnancy is 40 weeks (37 to 42 weeks is accepted as normal) 40 - 8 weeks = 32 weeks - 1 day = 31 weeks 6 days
6 X 52 weeks = 312 weeks
6 weeks and 6 days.
There are 52 weeks in one year. Therefore, 6 years is equal to 52 x 6 = 312 weeks.
You are actually most fertile right after having a baby, so it is completely possible you could be pregnant again.
Yes, perfectly.
Yes, this is possible.
Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.
It is possible to become pregnant after just having a baby six months ago, if that is what you are asking.
All it means is That your 6 weeks pregnant (your having a baby, and you've been pregnant for 6 weeks which is 42 days) and your just craving, (you feel like you want something really bad) like every pregnant woman does, even If it's something gross or just something like skittles. Ps. Congrats!!
average of 6 weeks.
No No Not true. I am living proof, got an ultrasound thinking that I was 8 weeks pregnant to detect a heartbeat, only surprise I was in fact only 6 weeks pregnant with three amniotic sacs with three embryo's meaning triplets. However, I have to wait yet again to detect any heartbeat activity.
Whether pregnant or not, 6 weeks is approximately 1.5 months.
Well, there are 4 weeks in one month so 24 weeks would be 6 months pregnant, so you are 6 months and 1 week pregnant.