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Q: Is it possible to have more than 32 teeth?
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How many permanent teeth do humans have?

Adults have 32 teeth differentiated in 16-16 between the two jaws and are categorized in to 4 types i.e, incisors,canines,molar,premolar..This includes the wisdom teeth which are simply a third set of molars. It is possible to be born with less than 32 teeth or more than 32 teeth. If a person has had all four of their wisdom teeth removed, they will have 28 teeth. If they have also had braces, which oftentimes requires the removal of the four first bicuspid teeth, they will function in life with 24 teeth. Children have 20 teeth, once they all come in of course. By the age of 2 years most children have all of their primary (baby) teeth.20 Humans usually have 32 permanent teeth (and 20 primary teeth (also called deciduous, baby, or milk teeth))

Why are there more teeth on a tenon saw than a hack saw?

There are more teeth on most hacksaws. My tenon saw has 12 tpi, most hacksaws go from 16 to 24 to 32 tpi.

Do human males have more teeth than females?

No, human males and females typically have the same number of teeth. Both usually have 32 permanent teeth, including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.

How many are adult teeth?

Deciduoud teeth or milk teeth or temporary teeth and more commonly primary teeth.

How many teeth are in permanent teeth?

There are 32 teeth total in a complete set of permanent teeth.

Will a full set of adult teeth be less than 32?

YES it can very well be less than 32. Having less than 32 is not abnormal. SOME teeth can be missing congenitally. Others may be present but may not erupt into the mouth. Those are called impacted. Imapacted teeth may number one or more.YOU can still say that you have a full set of adult teeth .

How many teeth do men have?

39 2 If hes a Hillbilly more than madeline

In human the number of permanent teeth is?

In humans, the number of permanent teeth is 32. This includes 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars.

Does toothless the dragon have teeth?

Yes, he has retractible teeth, at least 32 of them, perhaps more.

Numbers of human teeth?

There are 32 teeth in an adult human.

How many teeth in the adult mouth?

There are 32 teeth in the adult mouth There are 32 teeth in the adult mouth There are only 31 teeth in my mouth

How many permanent teeth does a a typical adult have?

The average adult human has 32 permanent teeth.