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Q: Is it possible to live for 300 years?
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Can you live 300 years?


Can you live for 300 years?


Can people live to 300 years old?

Yes they can

How long do people expect to live in China?

300 years

How many years does a mango tree live?

2 to 300 hundred

What fish is 300 million years old in Montana?

None You idiot nothing can live 4 300 million years except for yo momma

Do mermaids die?

Mermaids (and Mermen) Live to about 300 years of age.

What is the maximum age of an English wolf live?

300-400 years on average

How old did the oldest man on earth live for?

Abraham lived for 300 years

How long does an African elephant live?

They can live 60 to 70 years. is that possible.

Can a turtle live to be 715 years old?

no its not possible!

How much is the PS3 you best buy?

The cheapest possible PS3 at retail stores is about $300 but, it depends on where you live