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Of course. If my salesman sold 2 boxes last month and 5 boxes this month,

then compared to last month, he increased his sales 150% this month. To be clear, the amount of the increase is 3 [5-2=3], so 3/2 = 1.5, which is 150%

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Q: Is it possible to show growth more than 100 percent in sales?
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If you have sales growth of 10 per cent it is correct to say that sales in the second year were at 110% of their level of the first year. However, it is absolutely wrong to say that that was the sales GROWTH. Check the wording very carefully - I am sure the corporate lawyers have done that!

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If you are 14 and experience a growth spurt at 12.5 years old, it is possible you will hit another growth spurt. If you are 5'6, it is possible you will gain several more inches.

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