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Q: Is it possible to trisect any given angle using only a straightedge and a compas?
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Is it possible to trisect any angle using a compass and straightedge?


Is it possible to trisect any angle using only a compass and straightedge?


Is possible to trisect any angle using only a compass and straightedge?

As a general rule, no.

Is it possible to trisect any given angle using a straightedge and compass?

No, and the proof was provided by Wantzel in 1837.

Is it possible to trisect a right angle using only straightedge and compass?

Yes and the trisections will form 4 angles of 22.5

Is it possible to trisect any given angle using only straightedge and a compass?

That's a classic problem that's been around for a very long time.It's been proven that it's not possible to trisect any angle in generalwith those tools, although there are a few specific angles, like aright angle, for which it can be done.

If I have an answer to the trisect any angle geometry question how can I discover if I am right or wrong?

First things first, the actual statement isn't "you can't trisect an angle" but rather "you can't trisect one with only a compass and straightedge." Some angles can be easily trisected--a 90-degree angle trisects into 30-degree segments-but to do it you need a protractor. Anyway, to check your work measure the angle you trisected and divide by three. If your trisections match, you got it right.

Is it possible to bisect any given angle using only a straightedge and a compass?


Is it possible to construct an angle of 22.5 degrees using a compass and a straightedge?


It is possible to bisect any given angle using only a straightedge and a compass?


When you trisect an angle you divide it into how many equal pieces?

3. trisect means three

What happens when you trisect an angle?

You get three angles that are each one third of the original angle. Note that it is impossible to give a general procedure to trisect any angle by using compasses and straight edge alone. There are special cases which are possible, eg a right angle (90°).