$385.80 per month for six months.
4 weeks to one month, so one and a half months.
Months is the plural of month. (Months is more than one month).
Bar Graph
25 or 26. The exact numbers will depend on which six month period.
I think it depends on what you're saying. eg. A six-month-old rabbit or. A rabbit that's six months' old.
A 6 month baby is six month old
In the Unites States it costs $59.95 for one month, 39.95 per month for three months, 29.95 per months for six months and 19.95 per months for 12 months. This is the same for Canada and Australia. In the United Kingdom it costs 34.95 for one month, 24.95 per month for three months, 14.95 per month for six months and 11.65 per month for 12 months.
Because It does
73 months is six years and one month.
$385.80 per month for six months.
We average four weeks to make a month. That would make you six and half months pregnant.
Nobody will know for sure, until AFTER the six months pass.
4 weeks to one month, so one and a half months.
For one month it is £3.95 For six months it is £19.95 For twelve months it is £37.95
yes if they do work and if they diside to let them out in their six month period