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Q: Is it true for five hundred years the people of balkans were ruled by the Turks?
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For five hundred years the people of the balkans were ruled by the?


Who ruled the balkans for nerly 500 years?

Turks And yur welcome !

What group of people defeated the Arabs in the tenth century and ruled for 400 yrs?

The Ottoman Turks defeated the Arabs in the 10th century and ruled for 400 years.

The group of people who defeated the Arabs in the tenth century and ruled Southwest Asia for more than 400 years were the?

ottoman turks.

Who ruled most of the Balkans from the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the1800's?

The Ottoman Empire....

Which foreign power ruled the balkans for hundreds of years?

The Ottoman Empire ruled the Balkans for several centuries, from the late 14th century until the early 20th century. They left a significant impact on the region's culture, religion, and history.

What empires ruled in Egypt from AD 500-1500s?

Ottoman Turks was the first person to find Egypt and had a successful Empire

Who did the Turks occupy for 500 years?

The Turks (or rather, the Ottoman Empire) ruled over the Balkan countries, such as Greece, Rumania and former Yugoslavia, and over Egypt and large streches of the North African coastal areas.

Who ruled for four hundred years from 43BC to 450AD?

The Romans

What people are involved in oligarchy?

In an oligarchy a small group of people rule, it is 'Ruled By The Few'. However, this is a relative term, so what is called 'The Few' could be a hundred people. China is technically an oligarchy.

What did the Seljuk Turks do when they conquered the Middle East?

They adopted the Islamic religion and ruled the Middle East for more than 400 years.

What is sultanate period?

The sultanate period is the period when the early turks and afghan rulers ruled (1206-1526),these rulers were known as the sultans.