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Q: Is it true or false Hallucinogens improve coordination concentration and attention?
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Continue Learning about Math & Arithmetic

How can I improve my math grades?

You can study, pay attention in class, and try not to use a calculator when solving your homework.

How do you get your iq to 190?

train your working memory using exercises and software such as dual-n-back become ambidextrous improve your vocabulary Improve your visual processing Improve your concentration Improve your mental arithmetic ability expand your peripheral vision range learn how to speedread or photoread read regularly and widely Learn new languages Take an art class Learn how to play several musical instruments Play sports that improve your reaction time Learn how to improve your visualization Learn effective brainstorming methods Try image streaming Try stream writing

How can math improve the world?

Math is not there to improve the world on its own. Math is there to support Physics, Englineering and other subjects which do improve the world.

Does studying multipacation affect math scores?

And how else do you expect to improve your math skills, if not by studying???And how else do you expect to improve your math skills, if not by studying???And how else do you expect to improve your math skills, if not by studying???And how else do you expect to improve your math skills, if not by studying???

How can you improve your experimental probability?

There are a number of different things which can improve the estimate:select an appropriate estimation method,repeat the experiment more times,Improve the accuracy of your measurement,ensure that other variables are properly controlled.

Related questions

Do Hallucinogens improve coordination concentration and attention?

No, Hallucinogens do not improve coordination, concentration and attention.

Will eating something sour improve concentration in listening?

There are no flavors that help improve concentration. The only thing that has been proven to make you more alert is caffeine - either a small cup of coffee or tea. The main thing to improve your concentration is your attitude - if you decide to pay attention better, you'll do it.

What can playing basketball improve?

Hand eye coordination

Does playstation improve hand-eye coordination?


Do wiis allow physical activity and improve finger and eye coordination?

tecnically it allows you to move your hands but nothing else really. And it doesn't' really improve finger coordintion but it does improve eye coordination But the Wii Fit that just came out in 2008 in June does let you move your legs, arms, finger (etc) and does improve both eye and finger coordination

How does sports improve hand eye coordination?

Sports, Such as ping - pong and tennis, Can improve your hand- eye coordination by training your eyes to react to your surrounding faster. Try playing pingpong. That's a quick way to improve hand- eye coordination. Hope I helped. =] i found karate helped allot with mine as i have disphraxia.

How does the steady hand game improve hand eye coordination?

yes it does

Can video games improve neropathways in the brain?

Yes,they improve concentration power..........

How can you improve on your eye-brain-body coordination?

To improve eye-brain-body coordination, you can try activities that require focus and hand-eye coordination like playing sports, juggling, or practicing yoga. Additionally, exercises such as tracking moving objects with your eyes or playing video games that involve rapid decision-making can also help enhance coordination. Consistent practice and repetition are key to improving these skills.

Will stiga table tennis improve your hand eye coordination?

Stiga table tennis is a great way to improve hand eye coordination. As a matter of fact, President Obama purchased one. This is a great item to share with your family and friends.

Is the PlayStation good for your co-ordination?

It would help to improve hand eye coordination

Does gum or mints improve concentration?
