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Q: Is it true or false mozarts music was widely performed and appreciated during his lifetime?
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Where were William Shakespeares plays performed during his lifetime?

William Shakespeare's plays were performed in 'The Globe Theatre'.

Was Shakespeare only appreciated after his death or did people think he was a nutter while he lived?

Shakespeare was reasonably well appreciated during his lifetime. Nobody thought he was a nutter. He actually led a fairly dull and conventional life.

How many times did Muhammad perform haj during his lifetime?

He performed it only once, in the tenth year of the Hijra, or in March 632.

What is haij?

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and it was enjoined by Allaah on the Muslims to be performed once during one's lifetime. This pillar is observed during the month of Thul-Hijjah.

How many awards did William Blake win?

William Blake did not win any awards during his lifetime as he was not widely recognized or appreciated for his work as a poet, artist, and printmaker. It was only after his death that he gained recognition as a significant figure in the Romantic art and literature movement.

Were all of Shakespeare's plays performed during his lifetime?

In all likelihood, yes, although we do not have records of performances of some of the plays in Shakespeare's lifetime. Since the First Folio was taken from the collection of scripts held by the King's Men after Shakespeare's death, it seems likely that all of them had been performed, otherwise why would the company have the scripts? Of the two plays now agreed to be Shakespeare's which were not in the First Folio, Pericles was published in Quarto form during Shakespeare's lifetime (and no play was published before it was performed) and references in other works suggest that Two Noble Kinsmen was performed in 1613 or 1614.

Why do so many Muslims do Hajj together?

Hajj is obligatory on each Muslim man and woman once in lifetime. It can be performed only during fixed days.

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No there was not a war going on during Tycho Brahe's lifetime.

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During Blackwell's lifetime, women had no collective representation

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They do not. But they do believe that if you were good during your lifetime then when you die, Confucian will honor you just like you honored him during your lifetime.

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