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Q: Is it true or false that J.L love invent a device you might have in your classroom?
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When might Pi be useful outside of the classroom?

to suck a guys D!ck

How do you write a true false statement?

You make a statement that is either a true one or a false one. Simple as that. For example, you might say "The moon is made of green cheese" as a false statement and most people know that's wrong.

How many verses in the New Testament warn against false teachers?

Mark (13:22) says that false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Matthew (24:24) repeats this message, and also warns of false prophets a further two times. Luke does not warn against false prophets.Acts of the Apostles identifies Bar-jesus as a false prophet and paints him a a bad light. Paul wrote frequently about those who taught a "different Christ" and in ironic terms of the "super apostles" who opposed him.It appears from this that early Christianity was in a state of tension, while various different theologies contended for supremacy. Each author warned against the teachings of others with a different Christian message, but we can not be entirely sure to which group various New Testament books might have belonged.

Who invented to divide any number by zero is infinity?

Invent? It's more common sense than anything mate. It might not be obvious right away, but anyone can come to that conclusion with a bit of though.0 is nothing, and infinite amounts of nothing can fit in any number.

Why would I use meters to measure your classroom?

Because the classroom is longer and if you use inches it would take to long.Using meters takes less time.--Meters are about the same distance as Yards (1 Yard = 3 Feet) and while Yards may be just as convenient, students will have less trouble doing conversions with the metric units.Let's say a classroom might be 24 feet along one wall, or 8 yards.Meters are pretty close in length to yards. Although they aren't exactly the same, they're close enough for student usage. So let's say the classroom is also 8 meters.You can do many things with these 8 yards, and many more things with these 8 meters.Convert yards to feet, inches, and miles.Convert meters to decimeters, centimeters, millimeters, micrometers, nanometers, picometers, femtometers, megameters, gigameters, terameters... The list goes on.Although students may have more fun calculating by the cumbersome scaling factors of the English system, they will have more to do with SI-prefix units.It really depends on how old your students are and what you're trying to teach them.

Related questions

Did jl love invent a device you might have in your classroom?

yes he did

Did j l love invent a device you might have in a classroom?


What device did JL Love invent that you might have in your classroom?

J.L. Love invented the first portable pencil sharpener.

What might you want to invent?

Many many things people can invent.

What are some observations Galileo might have made to invent the thermometer?

he didn't invent it!

How does a quarterback get a false start?

It might be in Wildcat format and might start with a false start.

Where might you find a form of carbon in a classroom?

You might find a form of carbon in the classroom in the form of graphite, which is commonly used in pencils. Carbon can also be found in the form of carbon dioxide gas in the air. Additionally, carbon is present in organic materials such as plants and animals that students might encounter in the classroom.

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Where might a corridor lead?

A corridor might lead to a classroom because it means a long hallway. :>

Who is responsible for health and safety in the classroom?

In a classroom situation the teacher has primary responsibility for the health and safety of all in the classroom, in the sence of things going on in the room that might impact health and safety.

What do you taste in a classroom?

In a classroom, you would typically not taste anything, unless you are eating food or drinking a beverage. The most common tastes associated with a classroom might be from students' snacks or drinks.

Any two rays will form an angle True or false?

False. They might be parallel, for example