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Q: Is it true or false that balance is important because an unbalanced work evokes an uneasy feeling?
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How does symmetry relate to tessellations?

I believe all Artwork must have a degree of symmetry and balance, be it landscape-abstract-or portrait, and mosaic is no different. The Universe exists with balance, and the Equilibrium of the minds-eye depicts this as to the emotions you feel while gazing at the art. I feel symmetry bring you into a microcosm of the work, A lack of symmetry or balance give you a feeling of helter-skelter.

Why is the concept of zero and infinity so important to us?

Zero is important because it gives us the concept of having nothing and there being void this is used for purposes with math and real life in how we view things. Infinity goes on and on forever providing a concept that time does not end or a feeling of eternity which is hard to grasp. But if time did have an end and things just stopped, that would be equally as hard to think about.

How can committing suicide be selfish to someone?

Committing suicide can be seen as selfish because it leaves behind loved ones and family members who are left to deal with the pain, grief, and unanswered questions. It is understandable that someone may be feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, but it is important to seek help and support from loved ones or professionals who can assist in finding alternative solutions and coping strategies.

Is death the answer?

Death is not the answer; it is the end of life. It is important to seek help and support when feeling overwhelmed or hopeless, as there are resources available to help individuals in distress. It's important to reach out to loved ones, friends, or professionals who can provide assistance and support.

How do you devoid that empty inscure feeling?

Everyone experience that empty insecure feeling from time to time. This is a sign of anxiety, which may stem from depression or feeling useless. In order to counter this feeling, you must spend time with family, friends, and loved ones. You also have to concentrate on things outside of your mind or body.

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Which statement is false with regard to a work of art A art inquiry is the scientific study of art B art inquiry has rules and procedures C there can only be one truth found in a work of art?

To be able to know which statement is false the statements must e given. There also needs to be a picture of the painting. Without this information there is not anyway to know which statement is correct.- Balance is important because it keeps the viewers interest- The most important aspect of balance is the use of color-Balance is important because an unbalanced work evokes an uneasy feeling

Is it important to cut the hairs in a horses ears?

It is important NOT to because they are important for filtering and feeling and warmth.

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Instructions are important because it gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

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because they are their when you need someone to turn to if you are feeling happy, sad, exert...

Why is the show of emotions and feelings important to a dance movement?

because if you have no feeling or emotions to your dance your presentation is not good that's why the feeling and the emotions is important to dance. THAT'S ALL THANK YOU <3 .

What plays the biggest role in your feeling dizzy and unbalanced after a thrilling roller coaster ride?

semicircular canals

What feeling does formal balance convey?

dignity and endurance

Which sensation is responsible for a dizzy feeling?

Vertigo, which is the sensation of spinning or feeling off balance, is typically responsible for a dizzy feeling. It is often caused by issues in the inner ear or problems with the brain's balance centers.

In Catherine Called Birdy what does Catherine mean by your humors are greatly out of balance?

It means she is feeling blue or sad about what is happening and that she isn't herself because of it.

Why is it important to keep art in public schools?

because it helps kids express thir feeling of what they do

Which sense is responsible for feeling of balance and feeling car sick?

Actually, the part of the brain responsible for the balance and coordination is the Cerebelum, which is the small brain as they say located on the base of your head. There is no particular sense that is responsible for your balance. A combination of the stimulation of all the senses maybe what adds to feeling nauseous during car rides.

Why is repetition a technique widely used in music?

Repetition is a technique widely used in music because it creates a sense of unity, helps engrave a melody in the memory, and because it provides a feeling of balance and symmetry.