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Q: Is it true or false that bradycardia is an abnormally rapid heartbeart?
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Which combining form means rapid?

The medical terminology combining form for "rapid" is "tachy-." For instance, tachycardia is abnormally rapid heartrate.

A slow heart rate characterized by a pulse rate under 60 beats per minute is called?

Bradycardia, is the term the medical profession uses for a heart rate below 60 beats per minute. Normal is considered 60-100 beats per minute. Many people can have bradycardia and be perfectly normal. Some athletes, for instance, have resting heart rates below 60. there is concern with a resting heart rate below 60, when you have associative symptom such as dizziness or shortness of breath.

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What is SVT heart disease?

SVT = supraventricular tachycardia (an abnormally rapid heartbeat).

What is the Medical term meaning slow heart rate?

ArrhythmiaThe medical term for loss of normal heartbeat rhythm is arhythmia. Hearts normally beat at a constant interval, very regularly; if they beat at varying intervals that is irregular.A loss of normal heartbeat rhythm is an arrhythmia.

What is the med term for an abnormally rapid rate of respiration?

Tachypnea (Tachypnoea); Hyperventillation

What is the name of an abnormally rapid rise in earths average temperature caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The term for an abnormally rapid rise in Earth's average temperature caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is global warming.

What is bradiacardia?

Bradycardia is a condition characterized by an abnormally slow heart rate, usually below 60 beats per minute. It can be caused by issues with the heart's electrical system or by certain medications. In some cases, if the heart rate becomes too slow, it may lead to symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, or fainting.

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An abnormally rapid rate of respiration usually of more then 20 breaths per minute is known as?


What is the suffix of tachyphasia?

The suffix of tachyphasia is "-phasia," which refers to speech or language. Tachyphasia itself means abnormally rapid speech.