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Q: Is it true or false that shorter passwords provide greater secuity than longer ones?
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What am I the shorter I am the greater I am?

A temper.

What do light waves of greater frequency have?

The meaning of a high frequency wave is a shorter wavelength.For electromagnetic waves in general (including light):* At greater frequencies, you get shorter wavelengths.* At greater frequencies, you get more energy per photon.

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Passwords should be at least how long?

They should be at least 5 letters or numbers long. If it is shorter than that a hacker can useyour I.P. to access your account.

How many minutes per day after December 21 2009 does the day get longer?

That depends on your latitude. Near the equator, the days will hardly get longer or shorter; the nearer you get to the poles, the greater the difference will be.That depends on your latitude. Near the equator, the days will hardly get longer or shorter; the nearer you get to the poles, the greater the difference will be.That depends on your latitude. Near the equator, the days will hardly get longer or shorter; the nearer you get to the poles, the greater the difference will be.That depends on your latitude. Near the equator, the days will hardly get longer or shorter; the nearer you get to the poles, the greater the difference will be.

Is It true that an inclined plane allows you to lift a heavy load by using greater force over a shorter distance?

an inclined olane allows you to lift a heavy load by using greater force over a shorter distance

How much effort is needed if the length of the inclined plane is shorter?

As an inclined plane gets shorter, the angle gets steeper and the effort becomes greater.

Do light microscopes allow us to observe specimens in greater detail than electron microscopes?

No, electron microscopes provide higher resolution and magnification than light microscopes, allowing for observation of specimens in greater detail. This is due to the shorter wavelength of electrons compared to light, which results in higher magnification and resolution.

Is a PSP smaller than a psvita?

The PSP is about the same height, shorter length, and greater depth.

What experiences a greater force an egg that splatters on your face or an egg that you catch with your hands?

The one that splatters feels a greater force (over a shorter period of time).

How determine penetrating power of X-ray?

Wavelength. The shorter the wave (= the higher the frequency) the greater the penetration.