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Q: Is it true that in America there are many public groups with many different opinions?
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What is the most effective way for organized groups to shape public opinions?

using the mass media

How public policy is formed in the American system of government?

Public policy normally originate from stakeholders. Interest groups give their opinions or views on certain matters and then the views are used to come up with public policy.

What is A public disagreement between groups with different views?

Epistemological debate.

Where is the company Angus Reid Public Opinions located?

The company Angus Reid Public Opinions is located at Mezzanine 200 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4. This company was established in 2006 by a different name.

How were people social in the roman empire?

they were social because they met in groups to talk (public speaking). to understand each other and to listen to other opinions/thoughts.

A public disagreement between groups with different views is called a what?

Epistemological debate.

What public disagreement between groups with different views is called?

Epistemological debate.

What is a public disagreement between groups with different views is called?

Epistemological debate.

What are public opinions in public relations?

the soft target of any public relations campaign

Why are interest groups uncertain gauges for measuring public opinion?

Interest groups only represent the views of a specific subset of the population, not the entire public. Their agendas may be driven by special interests or may not reflect the broader public sentiment. Additionally, not all individuals within a group may share the same opinions, leading to potential inaccuracies in gauging public opinion.

Public opinions can never be any sounder than the what On which they are based?

Public opinions can only be as sound as the information and facts on which they are founded. It's crucial for opinions to be backed by accurate and reliable data in order to be considered valid and credible. Without a strong foundation of knowledge and evidence, public opinions may lack substance and integrity.

How do public-interst groups differ from other interest groups?

public-interest groups work for the bnefits of all citizens.