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Q: Is it true that much of what is still taught today in geometry came from Euclid?
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Much of what is still taught today in geometry came from Euclid's works?


Are Euclid's Elements still used today?

Yes. The geometry taught in today's public schools is based on Euclidian geometry.

How are Euclid's concepts useful today?

Euclid is considered one of the greatest thinkers of all time. His Euclidean geometry is still one of the many techniques in Geometry that are taught today. His elements taught plane and solid geometry, algebra as well as number theory.

How do you use Euclid's elements today?

Euclid's Elements is the basis of most geometry taught in schools today.

What was Euclid's most significant contribution to field of mathematics?

Euclid wrote "The Elements", in which he made many rules that define the geometry taught in schools today.

Greek mathematician known for his theories in geometry?

You're probably referring to Euclid, whose theories on geometry are still used today, hence "Euclidean Geometry". If it's not Euclid , Pythagoras was also quite well-known for maths, geometry and the like. You're probably referring to Euclid, whose theories on geometry are still used today, hence "Euclidean Geometry". If it's not Euclid , Pythagoras was also quite well-known for maths, geometry and the like.

What is Euclid known for?

Euclid, the Greek mathematician, also known as the Father of Geometry and Euclid of Alexandria, is best known for his 13 volumes of mathematics texts called Elements. He taught at the university in Alexandria, Egypt, and while there he published many theories developed by other mathematicians, along with their proofs, in Elements. Euclidean geometry from more than 2,000 years ago forms the basis of the geometry still taught in schools today.

How does Euclid impact us today?

Euclid was the father of Geometry and he acualy dicovered it and we use Geometry

Who invented geometry?

It evolved in 3000 bc in mesopotamia and egypt Euclid invented the geometry text in Ancient Greece. His methods are still used today. It is generally attributed to Euclid, a Greek mathematician. In fact, basic geometry is called even today "Euclidian geometry".

Euclids contrubution towards mathematic?

Euclid laid the basis of geometry still used today.

How is Euclid's work used today?

Euclid's work was geometry, many jobs use geometry such as engineers and architecture

Is the material in Euclid's The Elements considered outdated and rarely taught in the modern classroom?

Euclid's Elements is a treatise on plane geometry, that is, the geometry of figures in a plane, which is two-dimensional.As much as mathematics has advanced, we're never going to discard two-dimensional mathematics, since the three-dimensional world we live in is just an extension of it.So, no, Euclid's Elements is not now, nor will it ever be, "outdated." Its geometry will continue to be taught to elementary school children as long as humans persist.