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that is false.

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Q: Is it true that obama signed a bill that says that adopted children get one third less social security than a biological kid would?
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Can you get child support from your sons biological father even if he signed his rights over?

Yes, unless the child has been adopted.

Can kids get money if they were adopted out there real dad is Indian but he signed his rights over and a nother person adopted them that is not Indian at all and pd child support?

An adopted child has not right to the biological parents belongings or anything from that family. They belong to the adoptive family and can only inherit them unless the biological parent put them in his will.

Can you get back child support after the children's father has signed over his rights to them?

Termination of parental rights does not terminate child support until/unless the child is adopted. At that time, the biological parent still owes whatever he had been ordered to pay and has not paid.

When writing your will do you include children born to you that were put up for adoption?

yes you do A will can contain whatever the person wishes, it is not necessary to include adopted or biological children or even a spouse unless one chooses to do so. The only thing necessary is that the will is legal under the laws of the state in which the person resides, which generally means being signed dated and witnessed by at least two persons. The best option is to have any legal document signed in the presence of a notary and recorded accordingly.

How can you find your real birthday if you were adopted?

All the information about you should be on the papers they signed when you were adopted.

How do you start looking for your kids that was adopted in Georgia?

If they were adopted you must've signed papers so look at them and find the adoptive agency. Or try your medical journals. Unless the children are adults though, you are not allowed to contact them without their parents permission.

Can you get custody of your children after a family member adopts them in the state of Michigan?

For them to adopt your children, you signed away your parental rights, or, because of your behavior, they were free to be adopted. Your best hope is to be on good enough terms to visit periodically.

What year was the declaration signed and adopted?

The important document was adopted on July 4rth, 1776. -Good luck in school (:

Is a child who was adopted after the biological father signed over parental rights entitled to any of the biological father's estate?

If you live in the US (and without knowing the state) generally speaking, adoptive or biological is irrelevant. If there's a will and the child is not named, the child gets nothing, unless they can successfully contest the legality of the will (which takes a strong case).

When employers ask for a signed social security number card who has to sign it?

The person to whom the social security card and number belongs. Chances are you have already signed it.

How long did it take for the declaration of independence to be written signed and adopted?

About two months

My babies father does not want anything to do with our baby so my boyfriend signed her birth certificate and is providing for her. does her biological father have to sign any legal papers?

Yes, he is still the father. If you were married to the boyfriend and he adopted the baby you would still have to get the father to sign away his rights.