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Not necessarily. It depends on the commodity and the degree of seasonality. Some products are nearly unaffected by seasonality.

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Q: Is it true that over the long run fluctuations in demand due to seasonality are greater than those due to randomness?
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What effect does the seasonality have on a hotel?

There is a higher demand for rooms during season. This is when the rates go up.

Highlight the problems of seasonality and what can be done to overcome these problems?

Seasonality can lead to fluctuating customer demand, inconsistent revenue, and workforce management challenges. To overcome these problems, businesses can diversify their product offerings to attract customers year-round, implement marketing campaigns during off-peak seasons, offer promotions or discounts to drive sales during slow periods, and cross-train staff to address staffing issues during busy seasons. Additionally, implementing flexible scheduling or hiring temporary staff can help manage fluctuations in demand more effectively.

What is abnormal demand?

Abnormal demand curve is a curve which slopes downwards from left to right indicating that price and quantity demanded has an inverse relationship and as price falls quantity demanded increase and as price increases quantity demanded decrease, this brings about a shift along the same demand curve

What effects supply and demand?

Fluctuations in the price of goods. The affect of demand on price is directly proportional and supply's affect on price is indirectly proportional.

What happens when demand is greater than demand?

When demand is greater than supply a supply shortage or scarcity arises and prices increase.

What are the chief variables in demand forecasting?

The chief variables in demand forecasting include historical sales data, market trends, consumer preferences, economic conditions, seasonality, and competitive factors. These variables help businesses predict future demand for their products or services accurately.

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What happens to prices when demand is greater than suply?

They rise. Supply & demand.

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The price declines until demand increases.

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How would greater demand for your job affect your salary?

Basically, when there is greater responsibility or demand in your job, your salary should be higher. They are parallel but also depends on the position that you are in