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Q: Is it true that some quadrilaterals are neither trapezoids nor parallelogram?
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Are some quadrilaterals trapezoids?

All quadrilaterals are 4 sided shapes which includes trapezoids.

Are some quadrilaterals are trapezoids?

Yes because all 4 sided shapes are quadrilaterals which includes trapezoids.

Is a quadrilateral a trapezoid?

No, a quadrilateral isn't always a trapezoid. One way to consider it is that all trapezoids are quadrilaterals (four-sided shapes), but not all quadrilaterals are trapezoids. Some quadrilaterals are concave quadrilaterals, some are scalene convex quadrilaterals (called trapezoids in the UK), some would be trapezoids, and some would be parallelograms (rectangles, squares, rhomboids, rhombi). If parallelograms are considered a special case of trapezoids, then trapezoids would include all non-scalene convex quadrilaterals, which is a highly inclusive definition.

Is a trapezoid is a quadrilateral.?

No, a quadrilateral isn't always a trapezoid. One way to consider it is that all trapezoids are quadrilaterals (four-sided shapes), but not all quadrilaterals are trapezoids. Some quadrilaterals are concave quadrilaterals, some are scalene convex quadrilaterals (called trapezoids in the UK), some would be trapezoids, and some would be parallelograms (rectangles, squares, rhomboids, rhombi). If parallelograms are considered a special case of trapezoids, then trapezoids would include all non-scalene convex quadrilaterals, which is a highly inclusive definition.

Are some trapeszoids squares?

trapezoids are trapezoids and squares are squares but all are quadrilaterals.

Can some trapezoids be parallelograms?

No because a trapezoid only has 1 pair of parallel sides whereas a parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

All Quadrilaterals are trapezoids?

No but a trapezoid does belongs to the class of 4 sided quadrilaterals.

Is an quadrilateral a trapezoid?

Some are, and some are not. A trapezoid is a special kind of quadrilateral ... one in which two of the four sides are parallel. So all trapezoids are quadrilaterals, but there are also a lot of other quadrilaterals that are not trapezoids.

How do you mean all quadrilaterals are trapezoids?

We don't know who said that, but it's not true. Some quadrilaterals are trapezoidsand some aren't.A quadrilateral is any drawing with four sides.A trapezoid is any drawing with four sides and two of the sides are parallel.So all trapezoids are quadrilaterals. But there are a lot of other quadrilateralsthat aren't trapezoids.

What are some quadrilaterals?

Here are the quadrilaterals you are expected to know about.SquareRhombusRectangleParallelogramTrapeziumKite

Is all trapezoids are quadrilaterals?

No but a trapezoid does belongs to the class of 4 sided quadrilaterals.

Can some trapezoids can not be a quadrangles?

No because all trapezoids are 4 sided quadrilaterals with 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees.