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Q: Is it true that the point on earth that is closest to the moon has a high tide?
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How many moons are in the earth?

There is no moon IN the Earth. There is one moon ORBITING AROUND Earth.

Where is its gravitational potential energy minimum?

The answer depends on what "it" is and the overall context. The answer could be the centre of the earth where the earth's gravity has no effect, or the Lagrange point where the gravitational forces of the moon, earth and sun balance each other.

How long would it take to get to the moon if you were traveling at 50000 kilometers per hour?

The average distance from the earth to the moon is approx 384,000 km. However, the moon's orbit around the earth is elliptical and at its closest, the moon is approx 363,000 km away while at its furthest it is 407,000 km away. So, at 50,000 km per hour, the average distance would take 7.68 hours. The minimum distance would take 7.26 hours while the maximum would take 8.14 hours. But, spacecraft do not go to the moon is a straight line - they first orbit the earth and use the earth's gravity as a kind of slingshot to propel them towards the moon. This may not be the shortest route but it is much more efficient.

Why does one rotation of the moon equal one orbit of the moon?

The moon orbits the earth in such a way that the same side of the moon is facing towards the earth at all times. A fancy way of describing this is that the moon rotates once when it orbits the earth once. Rocks returned from the Apollo lunar landings are made of the same material as the rocks on earth. Scientists now believethat the moon was created when another object slammed into the earth back when the earth was still very hot and had a much thinner crust. The moon is a combination of the earth at that timeand the object that hit us. That is why the moon rotates once with evey revolution.

How wide is the sun in degrees when viewed from Earth - like how high would the sun be if the very bottom of it touches the horizon?

Both the Sun and the Moon have an apparent size of about half a degree, seen from Earth.

Related questions

Does the point on earth that is closest to the moon have a high tide?


Does the point on earth farthest from the moon has a high tide?

Yes. High tides happen on the point on earth closest to the moon, and the opposite side of the earth.

The point where the moon is closest to earth?

Because the Earth is rotating, the "closest point" to the Moon will be changing all the time. Also, the Moon is moving in its orbit, of course.

Does a low tide occur at the point on earths farthest from the moon?

No, a low tide occurs when there is less water under the influence of the moon's gravitational pull, meaning it happens closer to the moon. However, the tidal range may be smaller at the point farthest from the moon due to the reduced gravitational effect.

True or false is the point at which the moon is orbiting closest to earth called perigee?

True. Perigee is the point in the moon's orbit when it is closest to Earth.

Where on earth is closest to the moon?

The point on Earth closest to the moon varies depending on the moon's position in its orbit. However, the point on Earth closest to the moon on average is in the Kiritimati Island in the Pacific Ocean.

What is meant by apogee and perigree?

Apogee refers to the point in an object's orbit when it is farthest from the Earth, while perigee refers to the point when it is closest. These terms are often used in the context of celestial bodies such as moons and satellites orbiting Earth.

Name the point at which the moon is closest to earth?


At what point is the moon closest to earth?

The point at which the Moon is closest to Earth is known as the perigee. This occurs approximately once a month when the Moon reaches its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit. This phenomenon is called a "perigee-syzygy."

When is the sun and the earths moon at their closest point?

That would be at the moment of the New Moon closest to perihelion, which happens to be the one closest to New Years day or January 2. The moon is then in between the Earth and sun, while the Earth/Moon system is closest to the sun.

Why is a high tide on the side of the earth closest to the moon?


When the moon is closest to earth what kind of tide do you have?

A high tide.