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All things being equal, a wider confidence interval (CI) implies a higher confidence. The higher confidence you want, the wider the CI gets. The lower confidence you want, the narrower the CI gets The point estimate will be the same, just the margin of error value changes based on the confidence you want. The formula for the CI is your point estimate +/- E or margin of error. The "E" formula contains a value for the confidence and the higher the confidence, the larger the value hence the wider the spread. In talking about the width of the CI, it is not correct to say more or less precise. You would state something like I am 95% confident that the CI contains the true value of the mean.

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Q: Is it true that the wider the confidence interval the less precise is the estimate?
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What happens to the confidence interval if you increase the confidence level?

The confidence interval becomes wider.

Is a 95 percent confidence interval for a mean wider than a 99 percent confidence interval?

No, it is not. A 99% confidence interval would be wider. Best regards, NS

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That, my friend, is not a question.

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No since it is used to reduce the variance of an estimate in the case that the population is finite and we use a simple random sample.

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The standard deviation is used in the numerator of the margin of error calculation. As the standard deviation increases, the margin of error increases; therefore the confidence interval width increases. So, the confidence interval gets wider.

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It will make it wider.

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The formula for margin of error is (Z*)*(Standard Deviation))/(sqrt(N)), so as N increases, the margin of error decreases. Here N went from 100 to 5000, so N has increased by 4900. This means the margin of error decreases. Since the confidence interval is the mean plus or minus the margin of error, a smaller margin of error means that the confidence interval is narrower.

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