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Speaking from the third-person's point of view, it is: 'You seconded that?". But if YOU want to second that, you would say, "I second that.".

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Q: Is it you second that or you seconded that?
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Is there a seconded movie coming out on eclipse?

There is only one part to Eclipse but there is a second part to Breaking Dawn.

How do you spell 2ed?

The spelling of the ordinal number 2nd is second.The past tense of the verb to second is seconded.

Is seconded a word?

Yes. Most commonly this word arises in describing a formal meeting where a motion has been made. For a motion to be formally considered, another individual must express support for its consideration. This is done by saying, "I second that motion." Once that stage has occurred, the motion is described as seconded. For example, "Ms. Wilson has seconded the motion to adjourn which must be voted on immediately in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order." The word less commonly is encountered when discussing the ranking of things. If an item is put in second place, it may be said to have been "seconded." In that case it can also be an adjective, "The seconded item was taken off of the winner's pedestal." There are other variations of usage, but most are related to these two examples.

How many syllables in the word seconded?

There 3 syllables in the word seconded. Se-con-ded.

Does a election vote by acclamation require the motion to be seconded?

No, a vote by acclamation does not require a motion to be seconded. In a vote by acclamation, the chairperson simply asks if anyone objects to a particular candidate or proposal, and if no objections are raised, the vote is considered unanimous and no formal motion or second is needed.

After a motion has been seconded what do you say?

You can then open the floor for discussion by saying "The motion has been seconded and is now open for discussion."

What is 2yz x 3z?

6yz2.(Confirmed and Seconded)

When you clap you hands do your hands touch?

yes for a seconded

Does a amendment for a motion need to moved and seconded?


What Massachusetts delegate seconded the independence resolution?

John Hancock

Who was the famous statesman from Massachusetts who seconded the motion?

John Adams

How do you spell serconded?

The likely word is "seconded" (supported a nomination or proposal).