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Yes it is used from were you live to the other side of the world. i use math were i live which i am not telling but.... it is.

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Q: Is math used everywhere
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Where are real numbers used?

Real numbers are used everywhere. They are used in the work area, at home, and even in fiction. Real numbers, are a part of math, and math is everywhere.

Was math in Africa?

Math is used everywhere in the world including Africa. Math is used in markets to trade or count change.

Is there any job that does not use math?

A dead corpse perhaps. Math is everywhere- get used to it :)

Where algebra is used?

everywhere, plus you would need to use it everyday. that's the beauty of math

Places math is used?

Math is used mainly everywhere. For example in stores when there is a sale or your're paying for your item or at homewhen your're cooking or backing. Math is used mainly everywhere. For example in stores when there is a sale or your're paying for your item or at home when your're cooking or backing.

How many black inventor used math in their inventions?

All of them. Math is everywhere. Especially in the business side of inventing.

Is there math in sushi?

math is everywhere.

What is a math super power?

Yes my friend. Math is used everywhere and we certainly couldn't live without it. So yes, it is a superpower.

What country uses math the most?

There's no country that does more math. Math is everywhere. From cooking, to drawing, even to playing a simple game of pool. Math is everywhere.

How is math everywhere?

Predicting patte

Where is math found?

Math is found everywhere. It is used by nearly all of the sciences and probably anything you use day-to-day involves some level of mathematical calculation.

Why is math used in schools?

Mathematics is used everywhere. It is taught in schools because this is the easiest way to teach everyone enough to use it properly.