To hold water. A mere is a lake.
If a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point then it is not a function.
Functions are special types of relations.
Yes. The set of functions is a subset of the set of relations.
A function is a relation whose mapping is a bijection.
To hold water. A mere is a lake.
Yes, but all relations are not functions.
A relation is an expression that is not a function. A function is defined as only having one domain per range, meaning that when graphed, a function will have no two points on the same vertical line. If your expression is graphed and two points do appear on the same vertical line, it is a relation, not a function.
Yes. Functions are always relations, but relations are not always functions.
Function is a special case of relation. It means function is a relation but all relations are not functions. Therefore all functions are relations.
I assume you mean a "relation". All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions.
If a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point then it is not a function.
cleanses the blood
Functions are special types of relations.
Yes, but all relations are not functions.
The function of the literature of knowledge is to teach. It speaks to the mere discursive understanding. Whereas, the function of the literature of power is to move.