Metroplex is 800 meters high, Fortress maximus 350 meters, omega supreme a bout the same size as fort max.. or even smaller
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
nothing. infinity is infinite which means it goes on for ever, there fore nothing is.
52ounces is bigger than
A millenium is bigger than century
Billion is bigger than million
Trypticon is bigger because in the level where you knock him out of orbit he is much bigger than omega supreme but omega supreme is taller.
Bigger than Bumblebee (WAY bigger) shorter than Omega Supreme (WAY shorter) and head and shoulders above Ratchet....a head shorter than Headmaster Bulkhead. Does that help?
no he is weaker than Godzilla
I belive its definatly over one trillion yes it is why cause well goku vs freiza their power levels where 12 million and 15 million and yes im not going by the daziheuno its not even created by the creator of the series.Also when goku and freiaz fought that was over 30 yrs. before omega and we see how our heroes and villans improve over the yrs by then omegas power lvl is definatly over 1trillion hands down!
Well, darling, 2.9 is bigger than 2.7. It's like asking if a slice of cake is bigger than a cupcake - obviously, the slice takes the cake in this scenario. So, in this battle of decimals, 2.9 reigns supreme over 2.7.
An Omega Plus tanning bed has more features than an Omega tanning bed. People use tanning beds for a quick tan.
If by omega, you mean the letter in the greek alphabet, than it looks like a horeshoe facing downwardthe symbol for omega is Ω.
Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.
No. Omega Shenron is way stronger than Kid Buu. Kid Buu isn't stronger than Super Buu Gohan Absorbed.
9km is bigger than 8500m which equals 8.5km
The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.The county of Donegal is bigger than the county of Dublin, but the city of Dublin is bigger than the town of Donegal.