yes, it just requires a deep belief that this is the way god intended it to be and self restraint. Unfortunately we live in a society of self gratification and many are just too interested in doing what feels good instead of what is right. Maybe I should re-post this in the discussion category: I can understand how religion does influence the concept of monogamy; however, it is interesting to note that many bird species are more monogamous (for life) compared to humans. On a religious basis, God did create man, but man created marriage (the laws of matrimony). Monogamy can also be observed as just another man-made parameter set to corrall and assess morality, individually and socially. Just some thoughts and my opinion.
Monogamy started 'in the beginning', with Adam and Eve, when God himself said:"For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. "(Genesis 2:24NASB)Multiple wives were allowed for a time, but monogamy was God's original standard, and was re-stated as such, by Jesus.(Matthew 19:4-6)
It is a generalization of the notion of a sequence used to define the notion of convergence in general topolopgy.
Monogamy means the practice of having only one wife
My aunt is monogamy.
Monogamy - album - was created in 2000.
The Myth of Monogamy was created in 2001.
serial monogamy
Synonym: Bigamy Antonym: Monogamy :D
it looks real.
The Game of Monogamy was created on 2010-10-05.