

Best Answer

Yes, -2 is considered to be an even integer since it's divisible by 2. An even number is a number that is divisible by 2.

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Q: Is negative 2 even
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Any negative numbers with an absolute value (that is, a value without the sign) which is even, are even numbers.

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yes. for a number to be even it must be divisible by 2. odd numbers can be divisible by 2.Yes as for example -4 is an even number

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Decimal are not. But negative numbers can be odd or even.

The real fourth roots of -16?

there are no real answers to an even root (2,4,6,8) of any negative number. the innovation of i allows you to find the unreal answers. i= the fourth root of positive 16 is 2. so, the roots of -16 are positive and negative 2i. post script: you cannot have a real even root of a negative because a negative multiplied by a negative turns into a positive.