Yes, technically, since -9 x -1 = 9
In general, we don't list negative factors of positive numbers. We do list negative factors of negative numbers.
Count forward (positive) or backward (negative) in 3's and you will find all numbers that have 3 as a factor. -12, -9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 etc
negative 9
No, 9 is not a factor of 50.
Negative 18.
-9 x -8 = +72 negative x negative = positive
-9(a + b)
Sure. But since negative numbers have positive factors and positive numbers are greater than negative numbers, the answer will be the same regardless of the sign. The GCF of 4 and 9, -4 and 9, 4 and -9 and -4 and -9 is 1.
In a negative correlation as one factor is decreased, the other factor is increased.
Count forward (positive) or backward (negative) in 3's and you will find all numbers that have 3 as a factor. -12, -9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 etc
-((x + 2)(x - 9))
9 is not negative, but -9 is negative. Anything below zero is negative.
negative 9 -9
negative 9
Multiples of 9 have 9 as a factor.
Yes, two parents with negative blood factors (e.g. O-) can have a child with a negative blood factor (e.g. O-). Blood type inheritance follows specific patterns, so it is possible for two negative blood factor parents to pass on the negative factor to their child.
A negative scale factor is used to produce the image on the other side of the centre of enlargement (scaled to the absolute value of the scale factor).