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Added together they are more than a pound.

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Q: Is one-half pound and three-fourths pound is it more or less than a pound?
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Is 18 less or more than pound?

18 ounces is more than a pound.

Does lamb weigh more than pound or less than a pound?

it depends if it has wool or not on him

Is 1 pound in england worth more or less than 1 dollar?

Currently 1 Pound Sterling is equal too about $1.64 so the pound is worth more.

If a box of cereal wights 21 ounces does it weigh more or less than 1 pound how much more or less?

1 pound = 16 ounces 21 ounces is 5 ounces more than that.

Does a bowling ball weigh more or less than 1 pound?

It is much more than a pound. There are different weights, but they start at 6 pounds.

Which weighs less a pound of feathers or a pound or rocks?

A pound of feathers and a pound of rocks both weigh the same - one pound. The difference lies in the density of the objects; feathers are less dense, so a pound of feathers will take up more space than a pound of rocks.

Is 1.75 less than a pound?

assuming 1.75 is also a pound then no, as 1.75 is 0.75 more than 1.00

Does a banana weigh more than one pound or less?


Is the euro worth more than the pound?

No, it's worth less.

Is the pound worth more than the euro?

No, it's worth less.

Is 2.2 kg equal to one pound?

Yes, more or less.Yes, more or less.Yes, more or less.Yes, more or less.

Which weighs more 1 pound of water or 1 pound of vegetable oil?

They are both the same weight. a pound is a pound. only the densiyys are different. oli is less dense.