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Q: Is one billion the same as 1000 million?
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How many million make a billion?

1000 million is 1 billion.

Does 100 million is equal to 1 billion?

1000 thousand's is one million 1000 millions is one billion one million million is one trillion

What is 7.4 billion plus 1000 million?

1000 million is one billion, so 7.4+1=8.4 billion.

How convert 3477.6 billion into million?

One thousand millions are one billion so, multiply the number by 1000.

How much million is equal to 1 billion?

a million million= one billion 1000,0002=one billion

How much is a billion rand?

A Billion dollars is a lot of money. It equals a 1000 million where each million equals a 1000 thousand dollars. 1,000,000,000 - This is one Billion

1000 times what will equal one billion?

1000 times 1 million equals one billion.

How to calculate how many thousands in one billion?

It all depends on how you define one billion. In the USA, a billion is obtained by multiplying a million by 1000. In Europe, a billion is obtained by multiplying a million by another million. So, in the USA the system is as follows: 1000 = one thousand. 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000 = one million. it might not be the biological answer but it is proved as an answer for the history of answers,

One billion equal to how much million?

1000 Million.

How do you explain one billion to children?

one billion is equal to 1000 million.

What is different in billion and million?

One billion = 1000 millions. 1million=1000 thousands. 1 thousand=1000 ones. Hope this helps!

Is 854 million equal to 0.854 billion?

Assuming one billion is equal to 1000 millions, 854 million is equal to 854/1000 = 0.854 billion.