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Q: Is one forth one quoter
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Do the islands have a fish quoter?

off course they have a quoter

Is quoter an adjective?

No. Both "quoter" (a person giving an estimate) and "quota" (a numerical limit) are nouns.

Is quoter a real word?

Ies, it is. Definition: \Quot"er\, n. One who quotes the words of another

What words begain with quo?

Quota Quote Quotes Quotation Quotient Quotable Quotability Quoited Quoter Quoter Quoted Quoth Quoin

What is one forth?

one forth is one qauter eg. one forth of 100 is 25.

What is 4 times ONE forth?

Four times one forth is one.

What are some good quizzes online?

I would say Editor | Quoter its AWESOME!!

How rare is a 1987 Canadian quoter?

As rare as a smart black person. VERY

Whats is one forth plus one forth plus one forth?

Three-fourths is one-fourth plus one-fourth plus one-fourth.

What is bigger on forth or one eighth?

one forth is obviosly bigger

Is 312 equal to one forth?

312 is not equal to one forth.

What is seven and one forth plus ten and one forth subtract eight and one forth plus ten and one half?

19 and 3/4