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one fourth

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Q: Is one fourth or one fifth bigger?
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Is one fifth bigger than one fourth?

No. One fourth is 25% and one fifth is only 20%.

Is one fourth bigger or one third or one fifth How?

1/3 is bigger because the three in 1/3 is less than 1/4 &1/5

Which is bigger 3 fifth or 3 fourth?

3/4 is bigger than 3/5

Which is bigger three sixteenths or one fourth?

one fourth is bigger, and it is bigger by one sixteenth.

What is the standard form of fifth to the fourth power?

One fifth to the fourth power is 0.0016

What is a bigger fraction two ninths or one fourth?

One fourth is bigger.

What is the number that is one fourth of one half of one fifth of 200?

The number that is one fourth of one half of one fifth of 200 is 5.

What is 6 and four fifth subtract by 3 and one fourth?

6 and four fifth subtract by 3 and one fourth = 3

How does the sign of a determine the number of real fourth roots of a and the number of real fifth roots of a?

If "a" is positive, it will have two fourth roots, one will be positive and one will be negative it will have one fifth root, which will be positive. If "a" is negative, it will have one fourth root, which will be negative. it will have one fifth root, which will be negative.

Is one fifth less than one fourth?


Is there a fraction between one fourth and one fifth?


Is 20.4 percent a fourth of a fraction?

No, but 25% would be equal to a fraction of one-fourth. 20% would be equal to a fraction of one-fifth. So 20.4% would be equal to a fraction closer to one-fifth only slightly bigger. The exact fraction for 20.4% is 204/1000 which when reduced to its simplest form would equal 51/250