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Q: Is one half of a parenthesis called a paren?
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What is half a parenthesis called?

parenthesis = singular form, i.e., ( OR ) parentheses = plural form, i.e., ( AND ) The singular forms are generally referred to as: open or left parenthesis = ( close or right parenthesis = ) As for the top or bottom half of one parenthesis? I have no idea.

What is one half in parenthesis raised to the power of -4 Out of parenthesis equal to?

It is: (0.5)-4 = 16

What is the plural of the parenthesis?

A parenthesis is just one ) or ( and the plural, parentheses, is almost always used.

How do you Simplify 26 parenthesis a to the 3rd power b to the 6th power end of parenthesis to the 2nd power over 39 parenthesis a to the 3rd power b to the 4th power end of parenthesis to the 3rd?

one over 3 a3

Why isn't half and half cream called whole cream because one half plus one half equals a whole?

Half and half is called that because it's half cream and half milk.

What is half of a chess set called?

one half of a Chess board

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One half day and night is called a period of approximately 12 hours, commonly referred to as half a day.

What is the associative property of math in algebra?

It involves 3 or more numbers. The parenthesis indicates the terms that are considered one unit.The groupings are within the parenthesis.

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Why would there be only half a planet?

What is half a chess set' called?

one half of a Chess board

What is a half human half snack called?

idk but i seen one at the fare

How do you use tI-84 plus calculator for fractions?

The easiest way to use a fraction on the TI-84 is to type it in like this: (1/2) for one half (3/4) for three fourths etc Use the division sign as the fraction bar, and put the whole fraction in parenthesis. Make sure you use the parenthesis, otherwise your answer will come out incorrect.