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Probably yes. If you measured the width of a penny and then sliced it down the exact middle, the two sides would be equal in weight only if the total volumes of the designs on each side matched. Possible but very unlikely.

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Q: Is one side of a penny heavier than the other?
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Why would a penny sink in a river?

A penny would sink in a river because a penny is made mostly of zinc, which is heavier than water. Because the penny is heavier than water, it sinks.

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A 1982 penny is heavier than a 2006 penny. In 1982, the composition of the penny changed from being mostly copper to mostly zinc. The higher copper content in the 1982 penny makes it heavier than the 2006 penny, which is mostly zinc.

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If you have 12 pennies and 1 penny a dud. you have 3 tries to weight the pennies and find the odd penny.?

Assuming the dud penny is lighter than a true penny. Using balance scales, pick 6 pennies at random and put them on one side of the scale and put the remaining 6 on the other side. Take the 6 pennies from the low side of the balance scales and put them aside. They are all good pennies.Take the 6 pennies from the light (high) side (the dud penny is among these 6), and separate them ramdomly into two stacks of 3 pennies each and place a stack on the left side and a stack on the right side.Take the three pennies from the low side again and set them aside since all these are "good" pennies. Of the 3 remaining pennies, two are good (heavy) and one is dud (too light).Of these remaining 3, take one and put it on the left side of the scale and put another on the right side of the scale, and hold the third penny in your hand. If the left side of the scale balances with the right then the dud penny is the one you're holding. If the left side is higher than the right then the bad penny in the one on the left side. If the right side is higher than the left, the penny on the right side is the bad penny.If it is unknown if the dud penny is lighter than a true penny or heavier than a true penny, this solution is not a solution.

Which is heavier a piece of metal or a piece of wood?

It will depend on the size of the two pieces. A log is going to be heavier than a penny. Metal is denser than wood.

Can you ride a penny board if you're fat?

There is a penny board called the Penny Killer by Churchill that is a lot heavier than most penny boards. This will allow someone who is not as skinny to use them.

About how many times heavier is a penny than a dollar bill?

A penny is approximately 2.5 grams, whereas a dollar bill weighs about 1 gram. Therefore, a penny is about 2.5 times heavier than a dollar bill.

Why are aircraft categorized into heavier-than-air and heavier-than-air vehicles?

One is lighter and the other one is heavier. :D

In penny One side Lincoln what picture on the other side?

The name is Lincoln rather than Lincon.The building is an image of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC

How much is a 1974 penny that is blank on one side worth?

Most likely the reverse side of your coin has been sanded smooth and has no value other than that of the copper in it.

A bricklayer has 8 bricks Seven of the bricks weigh the same amount and 1 is a little heavier than the rest If the man has a balance scale how can he find the heaviest brick in only 2 weightings?

First, divide the 8 bricks into 3 groups: 3 bricks on one side of the balance, 3 on the other, and leave 2 bricks aside. If the balance tips, the heavier brick is in the heavier group of 3. If the balance is even, the heavier brick is one of the 2 left aside. Next, weigh 2 of the 3 bricks from the heavier group. The heavier brick will be identified after these 2 weighings.