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yes it is measured in millimeters

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Q: Is photographic film measured in millimeters?
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Related questions

What is the collective noun for photographic films?

There is no specific collective noun form photographic film, in which case a noun suitable for the context is used, for example a roll of photographic film, a case of photographic film, an archive of photographic film, etc.

What is the collective noun for film?

There is no standard collective noun for photographic film, in which case, a noun suitable for the situation is used; for example, a case of photographic film, a cache of photographic film, a supply of photographic film, etc.

What is the duration of Photographic Memory film?

The duration of Photographic Memory - film - is 1.4 hours.

When was Photographic Memory - film - created?

Photographic Memory - film - was created on 2011-09-01.

What is used to make photographic film?

Photographic film was invented in 1889 by George Eastman. Photographic film and paper is made using silver nitrate which is light sensitive.

What does mm stand for on photographic lenses?

mm stands for millimeters

Did Henri becquerel discover photographic film?

Henri Becquerel did not discover photographic film. He was a French physicist who discovered radioactivity in 1896. Photographic film was discovered by George Eastman, who founded Kodak, in the late 19th century.

What does 35 mm stand for?

35 mm stands for 35 millimeters, which is the standard width of photographic film used in analog photography. It is still used as a reference for image sensor sizes in digital cameras.

When will digital photographic technology ever surpass the quality of the photographic film emulsion?

I think it was first done in 2006. The question would be more accurate changed from "when will" to "when did" and removing the ever. = When did digital photographic technology surpass the quality of photographic film emulsion? =

How are millimeters measured?

by a ruler

Examples of objects measured in millimeters?

very small units are measured in millimeters, because milli means small

What is Film badge?

A film badge can be defined as a device containing photographic film that registers the wearerÕs exposure to radiation. The badge consist of two parts, photographic film or dental X-ray,and a holder.