

Is pie a real number

Updated: 11/4/2022
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12y ago

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Pi is a real number (approximately 3.14159265...), and pie (apple, cherry, custard etc.) is a real dessert.

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Q: Is pie a real number
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What real number is nonterminating and a nonrepeating decimal?

The only real number that is non-terminating and non-repeating is Pi (pie)

Is one eighth a real number?

Yes, it is like taking a pie and cutting it into eight slices. You only ate one slice. Therefore, you ate one eighth of the pie. Yes. One eighth is a positive number, a rational number and a real number.

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Is pie real?

Pie is undoubtedly real. I have no clue what world you live in.

Is pie a rational or irratational number?

pi [not pie] is an irrational number.

How does one make pie?

Webkkinz pie: Buy cook books at the W-shop category "Toys and Books" and read them. REAL pie: Find a REAL cook book.

How do you divide the number pie?

You cannot because "pie" is not a number but a food item.

Who was a PIE?

I can't entirely say who WAS a pie, but I will answer this truthfully: Maria Vittoria Adriani was actually a real pie for Halloween, 2012.

Is pie a rational number?

No. Pie is potentially never ending. This makes it an irrational number.

Is pie a never ending number?

Pie is NOT a number so for get that idea! lol And the answer is .... No ☻

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What number is irrational?

An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. In decimal terms, it is a real number that has either a terminating decimal or an infinitely recurring decimal. This would apply whatever the integer base, such as binary, octal, hexadecimal.