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Q: Is power of a myopic eye negative or positive?
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What is the difference between the positive area and the negative area in a work of art?

Area is actually called space. So it is negative and positive space. Positive space is the space that is taken by the objects. Negative space is everything else. You have probably seen the picture of two silhouette profiles of a face which look at each other. In the middle of the two faces you can see a vase shape. This is an illusion where negative and positive space flip back and forth in the viewers eye. If you are looking at the faces, the vase is considered the negative space. If you are looking at the vase, the faces become the negative space. Artists carefully consider the use of negative space and try to make the negative space as interesting as the positive space. You rarely see tiny objects in the middle of a huge canvas. It leaves too much negative space. Sometimes as an artist draws, he checks out the negative space as well as the positive to make sure he is rendering the objects correctly.

What are the positive and negative aspects of hockey?

postive: -fun to play -fun to watch -great exersize -meet new people -have a good hobbie -learn how to imporve hand-eye cowardination negitive: -can be painful -checking and fighting can happen -need lots of commitment (time consuming)

How does the eye use negative enlargement?

When the light rays rebounding off any given object go into the pupil (the hole that lets light into youre eye) they cross each other and eat dog jizz

What will computers do in 10 years time do?

Based on observations of computers over the last 10 years, not much more than they do today, but with extra power being used to power extra eye-candy.

Why does quadrant 2 come before quadrant 1?

It doesn't. Its a matter of interpretation. When drawing the unit circle, we start at x=1, y=0. As we draw, maintaining a radius of 1 from the origin at x=0, y=0, we proceed counter-clockwise. Initially, both x and y are positive. That is quadrant 1. When x becomes negative at x=0, y=1, that is quadrant 2. When y becomes negative at x=-1, y=0, that is quadrant 3. And when x becomes positive again at x=0, y=-1, that is quadrant 4. So you see, its all in the perspective of which comes first, and in trigonometry, the vector where theta = 0 comes first, not where your eye just happens to scan from left to right.

Related questions

What is the antonym of myopic?

The opposite to myopic/myopia is HYPEROPIC/HYPEROPIA. Myopia is also known as short sightedness or near sightedness. Hyperopia is also known as long sightedness or far sightedness. A myopic eye focuses the image before it reaches the retina at the back of the eye. This is because the eye is too strong. A myopic eye will find it easier to focus on a close up object rather than a far away object. A myopic eye needs to be corrected with a minus/negative powered prescription lens (-). A hyperopic eye focuses the image after/behind the retina as a hyperopic eye is too weak. A hyperopic eye will have problems focusing on close up objects and in some cases it won't be able to focus at any distance. A hyperopic eye will be corrected with a plus/positive powered prescription lens (+).

What is conus?

A conus is a posterior staphyloma, or a protrusion of the sclera of the eye, of a myopic eye.

What is antimetropia?

Antimetropia is a form of antisometropia in which one eye is myopic and one eye is hyperopic.

Use the word myopic in a sentence?

a condition of the eye in which parallel raysare focused in front of the retina, objects being seen distinctly only when near to the eye; nearsightedness

What is the significance of the far point of a myopic eye in understanding vision impairment?

The far point of a myopic eye is the point at which objects appear blurry. Understanding this helps in diagnosing and managing vision impairment, as it indicates the eye's inability to focus on distant objects properly, leading to nearsightedness.

What does a negative 5 mean in eyesight?

The person is moderately myopic (short sighted or near sighted). The person can see things that are closer clearly but things that are far will be out of focus. The eye is bulged and the image forms in front of the retina and a concave lens with -5 power will help in forming a clearer image on the retina.

What is negative divided by positive?

i have learned this dozens of times and i hope that this method helps:) multiply and divide rules:) a positive and a negative looks like a person who was punched in the eye so that would be a negative which is bad. a positive and a positive means that this person is peacefully awake so it is a positive a negative and a negative means that this person is peacefully asleep so it is a positive as well:) good luck i hope this method helps

Why cornea part is positive and retina part is negative in potential field in the eye?

the polarity is opp in that of the invetebrates

What lens used for short- sight?

For shortsightedness, a concave lens is commonly used to help focus light properly onto the retina and improve distance vision. The lens helps to diverge the light entering the eye in order to compensate for the excess focusing power of a myopic eye.

Do newborns use only one eye at the time?

The term myopic means short- sightedness. Most babies are born myopic. Some people disagree. Some children have extreme myopia and require glasses when they get a bit older.

Is there any cure for myopic eyes?

There is no cure for myopia but it can be controlled through the use of eyeglasses and eye drops. Myopia is also known as nearsightedness.

What is cylindrical disorder of eye?

Cylindrical powers are those ones that are present only in a particular axis. The powers are noted by convention to be positive or negative. The axis at which the cylindrical power is required is specifically noted.can be corrected by undergoing LASIK surgery when adult