You go 2 electives, language arts, science or earth space science honors, math/algebra/geometry, history of the united states/ civics/ honors history
If I wanted to argue that history is more important than math and science, I would say that while math and science give us tremendous power, only a knowledge of history would help us to use our power wisely and for good purposes. However, I don't think we can really say which subject is more important. An educated person needs to know about all those things. A person who knows about history but is ignorant about science and math would be lost in the modern world.
the people ho shaped science is also simler to math the people ho shaped science is also simler to math
Math, math is the back bone to all science, without out math there is no science.
There is a Reading, English, Math, and Science section on the ACT with an optional writing portion.
Although there are definitely many who enjoy a combination of the four (perhaps they like math and history but despise English and science), math and science generally go together just as English and history do. Math and science are both research based fields that require in-depth studying and a heavy use of problem-solving. English and history, on the other hand, are more on-the-surface subjects that require less in-depth studying.
History, English, Math, Science
Normally, there are English, Math, Science, History, and Elective credits.
math, english, polish, history, religion, gym, science,
I teach a variety of subjects including math, science, English, history, and more.
the subjects are political science eco maths geo history english optional home science
All language subjects and specific names of subjects are capitalized. Example: My favorite subjects are History 2, English, math, science and Spanish.
We have German English math science art history PE re
Get on a computer, and do math, science, english, and history at home. Do not attend public or private schools.
yes its a major subject like math history and english **)
It would be Math, English, Science and World history
Study grades 8-12th. Mostly science, math, history and basic English skills.