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Q: Is reverting to childish or childlike behaviors to recapture a time when there weren't so many responsibilities?
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The ego defense mechanism in which a person exhibits behavior that clearly shows signs of reverting to less mature stages is?

Regression is the ego defense mechanism in which a person exhibits behavior that clearly shows signs of reverting to less mature stages. This can involve acting in a childlike or immature way in response to stress or anxiety.

How 'instinctive drift' can be used to criticise operant conditioning?

Instinctive drift refers to animals reverting back to their natural behaviors even when trained through operant conditioning. This phenomenon can be used to criticize operant conditioning as it highlights the limitations of conditioning in overriding an animal's innate behaviors and instincts, suggesting that it may not always be effective in changing or controlling behavior.

How do you put revert in a sentence?

Examples: # A sober alcoholic will experience the reverting symptoms if he/she goes back to drinking again. # In MS Word, reverting the style formatting made in the previous edits can restore the actual formatting that you did before.

How do you remove reverts?

Reverting a question to a previous version becomes a part of the history of that question as long as that question retains it's history. However should an error be made such as reverting to an incorrect version it is possible to correct that by again reverting to the appropriate version.

Is reverting to Wicca disobeying God?


What is the process for a State reverting back to a Territory?

There is no such process.

Words which can be pronounced same after reverting also?


The process of reverting to a previous version of software?


What does reverting canon mean in dance terms?

Reverting canon is when dancers start a phrase at the same time, but at different points within the phrase. They end the phrase at the same time. :)

Reverting to a point can solve problems with registry entries the application uses that have become corrupted?

The answer is restore point

What are the synonyms and antonyms for regression?

Synonyms: reversion, lapse, backsliding, reverting, throwback Antonyms: progression, advance

What are the themes in 'Lord of the Flies?

Survival of the fittest, humans reverting to their most raw form.....check out spark notes