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no it is the thousandths heres an example 0. H Th tth

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Q: Is rounding two decimal places rounding to the hundredth?
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What does it mean to the nearest hundredth?

It has to do with decimal places in a number. The hundredth is two decimal places. In the number 123.45, the 5 is in the hundredth spot. Then to round to the nearest means rounding to two places. Rounding 0.24649 becomes 0.25.

What are the rules for rounding GPA?

When rounding GPA, typically round to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places). If the third decimal place is 5 or higher, round up. If it is less than 5, round down.

What does 0.666666 round up to?

1, if you want to round it to the nearest whole number. For rounding it to the nearest tenth (one decimal place), the answer is 0.7. For rounding it to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places), the answer is 0.67. etc. When you round it to the nearest millionth (six decimal places), you'll no longer be rounding up, because the answer will be the same as what you started with: 0.666666.

How do you write one and thirty two hundredth?

1.32 'and' represents the decimal and hundredth is two places from the decimal point.

How do you change 710 to a decimal and round to the nearest hundredth?

The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 7/10 = 7 divided by 10 = 0.7 = 0.70 to the nearest hundredth

How is 5.495 rounded to the two decimal place?

Rounding to two decimal places - it would be 5.50

What is expressed to two decimal places?

It is rounding a decimal representation of a number so that there are two digits after the decimal point.

What is 182.628 rounded two decimals?

182.63 (after rounding to two decimal places)

What is 232.42 rounded to 3 decimal places?

232.42 Rounding makes a number simpler, and a decimal shorter. This number has only two decimal places to begin with, and rounding can't give it three.

What is 6.324 rounded to two decimal places?

That depends on how you are rounding: Rounding up = 6.33 Rounding down = 6.32 Rounding nearest = 6.32

6000 is what percent of 42000?

Rounding to two decimal places, it is 14.29%.

Do you round from the last number if you round to the nearest hundredth?

The nearest hundredth is the same as two decimal places.