Possibly, but it would not be legal!
It is a process by which the product of mixed fractions is calculated.
First change the mixed numbers into improper fractions by multiplying the denominator and the whole number and add the product to the numerator in the mixed numbers and then multiply the numerators and the denominators and divide the numerator by the denominator of the product.
No, the product of two positive mixed numbers can never be less than one.
The product of two integers can't normally be converted into a mixed number.
That depends on what you want to fill it with. Stones or sawdust? Quite tall if you decide on sawdust. Every product or material has a different density and will take up more or less room depending on it, so you would need different glasses for them to fit in.
No high quality cinnamon contains sawdust. Sawdust would be considered a contaminant or adulteration of the cinnamon, and would only be present in a very inferior product.
Sawdust typically floats in water due to its low density. When sawdust is mixed with water, it forms a suspension where the sawdust particles are less dense than the water, causing them to float.
Sawdust mixed in water cannot be separated by sedimentation because sawdust particles are too light to settle quickly in water. The buoyant force acting on the sawdust particles is stronger than the gravitational force pulling them down, so they remain suspended in the water for a long time. This makes it difficult for the sawdust to separate and settle at the bottom through sedimentation.
When sawdust is mixed with water, the sawdust absorbs the water and swells up. This can result in the formation of a thick paste or slurry. Over time, the sawdust can break down and decompose in the water, potentially releasing nutrients and organic matter.
mixed spice is made of cinnamon all spice and nutmeg.
Water will freeze first, as sawdust does not have a freezing point. The freezing point of water is 0°C (32°F), while sawdust does not freeze but can become solid if mixed with water.
No, cinnamon does not contain nuts, unless nuts have been intentionally mixed into it - and that is not usual. The spice called cinnamon comes from the inner bark of a tree.
No, cinnamon does not dissolve, though it can be temporarily mixed to be suspended in the oil base, it will separate back out.
you could pour detergent on them which will clog their pours and they will die
cinnamon is not healthy it has sugar in honey, and lemon
No, Nabisco is making Fig, Strawberry, and Raspberry Newtons, but not Apple. Nabisco has a new product called Fruit Crisps and come in Apple Cinnamon and Mixed Berry flavors.