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Q: Is science and technology independent of one another?
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Related questions

Why do science and technology go with one another?

Technology is the application of science and engineering

How does one differentiate science from technology?

Technology is the result of extensive science studies. Science is the foundation of technology. Another way to state this is to see that science creates the knowledge that creates new technologies. Both elements are interconnected.

What is technology and how is it different from science-?

Technology is the study of techniques for manipulating the physical world in some useful way. Both science and technology are used interchangeably. They are strongly linked to one another, but are fundamentally different.

How spacecraft go from one planet to another?

We use science, technology and some help from gravity.

What are the three products of science?

The three products of science are knowledge, technology, and understanding of the natural world.

Is technology one of the fields of science?

Yes. the word technology , is related to science.

How does math science and technology relate to one another?

i dont know the answer i am tryinna figure it out my self ! help me!

Which one came first science or the technology?


The use of endoscopes to study the functions of the heart shows?

advances in science and technology often depend on one another.

How do scientists learn things with technology?

Because science involves technology and technology involves science. Without one of them, the other will be soo useless..

Is thermometer an example of technology?

no its not One of the definitions of technology is the practical application of science to commerce or industry, and the invention and introduction of the thermometer was an excellent example of technology.

Is technology ahead of science?

Generally no, one example of where science is more advanced is through deadly diseases. In theory, science will always be ahead of technology.