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Q: Is seven tenths greater than three fourths?
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Yes. Three fourths is about 7.13 percent greater than seven tenths.

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Is three fourths greater than four tenths?

three fourths is greater Yes, it is. 3/4 > 4/10 Three fourths is 87.5 percent greater than four tenths.

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What is less than three fourths and greater than three fifths?

An (uncountable) infinitude of numbers, including two thirds, seven tenths, and pi fifths.

What fraction is greater three fourths or seven eights?

seven eights is greater

Is three fourths greater or less than seven eights?

seven eights is more than three fourths

What is bigger three tenths or two fourths or are they equal?

3/10 is greater.

Is five tenths greater than three fourths?

No. Five tenths is actually one half, whereas three quarters is a half and a quarter.

Is three fourths bigger than seven tenths?

Yes. 3/4 is equivalent to 75% whereas 7/10 is equivalent to only 70% Three fourths is 7.143% more than seven tenths. (rounded)

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